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RSA algorithm and the miracle of the prime numbers

During last weeks I was involved with encryption algorithms ranging from symmetric to asymmetric encryption algorithms, it is really complex and amazing world witch all of them are math basis. Already we talked about the importance of producing random numbers in previous article and tried to solve the problem through hardware design. If you want know about this article follow this link How to produce real random numbers? Random numbers play the fundamental role in producing encryption keys, the more… Read More »RSA algorithm and the miracle of the prime numbers

How to build the real random number!

Building the real random numbers When you try to build a game, encryption algorithm or other uses you may need to build the random numbers! You may think that it is not complex to make the random numbers or you call the RAND function or similar and then the project will be finished. But how much these numbers are random? Is the result repeatable? In this article we aim to challenge this subject so follow the Sisoog.   Why cannot… Read More »How to build the real random number!